
Not really sure yet..as long as great sex is involved. Begest pussy of shemale. I'm kind of a shy person at first but once I open up, I can be loud and annoying unfortunately. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends, if the friends I make click with me a bit deeper, that makes it much more fun. Just please be honest, kind and clean and I promise to be the same.

Height: 5' 9"

Age: 36

Hair: Grey

Name: elfriedahooper

Status: Married

City: Bandera, Texas

No reciprocation wanted. I have no male on male experience and I am very curious.

Height: 5' 1"

Age: 42

Hair: Chestnut

Name: Lwilk32

Status: Divorced

City: Bandera, Texas

I'm married but looking for something on the DL and no strings. If no woman Bite then a gang bang with her being tied up is another way to go here. Im 24down to earth. Only got a 5.5 at max dick so nothing special but Id like to cuddle and kisssing iam a bottom iam passive in bed. Short white females fucking.

Height: 5' 3"

Age: 27

Hair: Auburn

Name: Metahuntsinger212

Status: Single

City: Bandera, Texas

Irish man in Brisbane area for women in Bandera, Texas 1 week only. ;) hope to see yall soon xxx. I love sexy legs and a nice ass, but I also know that beautiful people come in all shapes and sizes.

Height: 5' 7"

Age: 30

Hair: Brown

Name: ParadiseNYou

Status: Divorced

City: Bandera, Texas

Couples looking for fun or women in Bandera, Texas dominant guy.

Just seeing where it goes. Not looking to change your or my situation, just looking to have some fun and live life!!
I am a considerate, intelligent, respectful, clean, open-minded, non-smoker, with a great sense of humour. Much better than working out in the gym. She is 53, 5'6, 42d, shaved.

Height: 5' 6"

Age: 29

Hair: Auburn

Name: andpen89

Status: No Strings Attached

City: Bandera, Texas

Contacts Terms of Service
Looking for couples or single women where the lady is at least bi curious and ideally bisexual. Is where you can reach me.